Sunday, August 16, 2009


I went to a show tonight. If your curious, I saw For Today/Sleeping Giant/The Ghost Inside/The World We Knew/Between Hope & Faith/The Imperial. It was an incredible show. Words can't describe how it was. But I can tell you (to the best of my abilities) what I experienced. And what I came to realize.

I want to say this. I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ, and I believe that He is the Son of the Living God. And Christian's have been given a bad rep by the world. This is reasonable. I understand. We pretty much deserve it. Just because we claim to be a "Christian," we think we're better than "non-Christians." And this is completely wrong. I said all that to say this:

I'm sorry.

I really am. I'm sorry if we have ever judged you, said mean things to you, yelled at you in protest, or anything else that drew you away from Christians.

We (not just Christians, but everyone) have NO right to judge anyone. Period.

Because Christians are just as screwed up as the rest of the world. We all suck. We all have something in our lives that separates us from God. Look up Romans 3:23. So when we judge, it is not out of love and righteousness, but hatred. And it's wrong. Completely wrong.

But it's okay.

Because we belong to a God that is bigger than everything in this world.

God is greater than persecution, addiction, abortion, gay marriage, etc. We don't have to worry about other people and their issues. We just have to focus on our own lives (strange concept, right?) and know that God will, one day, take care of everything. We can rest in that sweet assurance. It's awesome.

We belong to a God that looks past all of the crap that we have done, and will do in our lives. It's awesome. He is awesome.

Another thing that is cool:


No joke man. Imagine the tallest building, the tallest monument, the universe, the longest highway, and all of the "Eight Wonders of the World." Put them together. God is bigger. and His love is huge. His love stretches as far as the east is from the west (which goes on forever, by the way). That's just a little fun fact. But we can rest on that. And we can talk about it all day, and we will NEVER come close to the amount of love that God has for us.

In conclusion:

God loves you. He desperately wants to have a friendship with you. He will be the best friend you've ever had. He is ALWAYS there for you. Pinky promise.

If you have any questions at all. Message me on Facebook, or hit me up on iChat ( I would love to talk to you about the love that God has for you.

Peace out, cub scout.

BTW.....I'm sorry if you are annoyed by my excessive Tweeting/Facebook updates. I just have a lot to say.

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