Friday, November 20, 2009

The dreaded ninth grade.

So I randomly decided to check my Myspace about 15 minutes ago. I do this about once every other 2 or 3 months. Myspace sucks. Anyways, I went through my friends list and proceeded to view some of my "friends" profiles.

I lived in Austin for a year. I loved it. It was so cool. That experience really sparked my extreme love for music. I met some cool people. I became close friends with a few people that I still keep in touch with; but for the most part, I didn't really have any friends there. But on my friends list, there were some people on there that I met once and never talked to again. These were the "cool kids."

In ninth grade, I DESPERATELY wanted to be friends with the "cool kids." I wanted to hang out with them. I wanted to date the girls that were in this clique of coolness. I wanted to go to their houses and breathe the cool air that they did. I was desperate. Like I said, I had some friends that I hung out with. They were cool and funny, but they weren't the "cool kids."

Why was I desperately wanting this "friendship?"

I look back now, and I was so naive. I desperately wanted to be popular; to have a place in the huge school I attended (the school was as big as most towns in Arkansas); I wanted people to know my name. But it didn't work out as I had planned.

I left Austin the summer before my tenth grade year. I was glad to leave. I was glad to go back to Arkansas. Where it's small, quiet, and, well, boring. But looking back, I'm glad I moved back. I think I made the best decision ever. If I didn't come back to Arkansas, I don't know who I would be.

Maybe I could've become one of the "cool kids." Maybe I would be the biggest doucher ever (the "cool kids" were major douchers). I don't know. I know that my life right now is pretty tight. I have the best friends a dude could ask for. I have an incredible church family. I have a great home life. It's awesome in Arkansas (kind of).

Popularity is so stupid. Popularity only matters in high school. I wasn't popular in high school. I didn't worry about it. I had a lot of great friends that were true friends (I still have those friends, and they're still the truest friends in the world). That's all I need.

So my advice to you: don't strive to be a "cool kid." Just be yourself (sorry for being so cliché).

Keep it real.
jake fauber.

P.S. If someone wants to hook me up with some music, shoot me an email (

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